Day 7


  • Computational Art kick-off
  • Recursion
  • Fractal drawing in Turtle World
  • Optional: Loading new DNA

For Next Time

  • Reading journal, Think Python 11, 12 due Monday 2/9 (but starting earlier is great)
  • Project toolbox exercises have been launched. You will do at least five in total, at least three of which must be completed before spring break.

Recursion Practice

Pascal’s Triangle

Write a function called choose that takes two integer, n and k, and returns the number of ways to choose k items from a set of n (this is also known as the number of combinations of k items from a pool of n). Your solution should be implemented recursively using Pascal’s rule.

Levenshtein Distance

Write a function called levenshtein_distance that takes as input two strings and returns the Levenshtein distance between the two strings. Intuitively, the Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of edit operations to transform one string into the other (for this reason Levenshtein distance is sometimes called “edit distance”). These edits can either be insertions, deletions, or substitutions. Note that Levenshtein distance is similar to Hamming distance, but works for strings of differing lengths

Here are some examples of these operations:

  1. kittensitten (substitution of s for k)
  2. sittensittin (substitution of i for e)
  3. sittinsitting (insertion of g at the end).

While this function seems initially daunting, it admits a very compact recursive solution. You can either work on your own to see the recursive solution, or use the recursive solution given in the Wikipedia article.

We will be memoizing this function in the next reading journal to make it more computationally efficient.

Making change

Write a program that takes as input a number of cents, n, along with the denominations of some coins, d, and outputs the number of unique ways that change can be made for n cents using the coins d.

For example:

make_change(10, [1, 5, 10])  # -> 4


  • 10 pennies
  • 2 nickels
  • 1 nickel 5 pennies
  • 1 dime

Turtle World

Today we will explore drawing by means of attaching pens to the tails of turtles and forcing them to move around in intricate patterns. Since we’re actually quite fond of Turtles, luckily we don’t have to hurt any actual turtles but we can do this in simulation! Allen has written a wonderful package called TurtleWorld that implements this sort of drawing environment in Python (the original concept goes way back to 1967 and the Logo programming language). President Obama wrote his first line of code with a similar environment.

As part of your day 6 reading journal, you wrote several functions that operate on Turtles:

  • square takes as input the side length of a square and draws the square to the Turtle world canvas
  • polygon takes as input the side length and the number of sides of a regular polygon
  • circle takes as input the radius of a circle, which it draws by approximating a circle as a regular polygon with a large number of sides
  • arc extends circle with an extra angle parameter that controls what fraction of the circle to draw in degrees

Each of these functions is a generalization of the previous function. You also went on to draw flowers, pies, letters, spirals, or something else altogether! Thinking about how to break up large problems like these into logical smaller pieces is one of the most fun challenges in software design.

It’s often useful to think about what low-level primitive functions (such as drawing regular polygons) would be most useful in completing a task. Identifying these common primitives can help refactor messy code with many copy-paste sections into a set of reusable functions with clean interfaces. From Think Python:

The interface of a function is a summary of how it is used: what are the parameters? What does the function do? And what is the return value? An interface is “clean” if it is “as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Einstein)”

Regardless of how complex a function is to implement, its interface should be easy to understand. Well-designed functions do exactly what they say they will do without surprises.

Teleportation, Cloning, and Other Unethical Experiments on Turtles

In addition to the functions you wrote in the day 5 reading journal, there are a few other Turtle Tricks that may prove useful.

A Turtle is a Python object, which we will learn more about next week. Turtles have methods, which we can call to inspect change their behavior. You may have already seen one of these, the delay() function, which can be used to speed up slowpoke Turtles.

from turtle import Turtle
speedy = Turtle()

Other important Turtle methods include xcor() and ycor)=() position, and heading().

Read more about turtles here.

Since Turtles are simple creatures, mainly defined by their current position and heading, we can “clone” them by reading these values and using them to direct a new Turtle.

leo = Turtle()
# Create a new Turtle with the same attributes as the first
don = Turtle()
don.left(leo.heading() - 90)
# don.bandana_color = "purple" # TODO: Ninja functionality not yet implemented

As an exercise, encapsulate this functionality in a clone function that takes a Turtle argument and returns a new Turtle with the same position and heading, leaving the original Turtle untouched.


Fractals are geometrical constructions that display self-similar repeated patterns at every scale as you zoom in. They are often extremely beautiful, and are found throughout nature. Fractals are also useful across many fields, from antenna engineering to poetry to finance. Check out Yale’s Panorama of Fractals and their Uses for more examples.

Today, we will teach our turtles to draw fractal shapes using recursion. A very cool recursive drawing we can create is called the snowflake curve (or Koch snowflake). To get started, let’s write a function called snow_flake_side with the following signature:

def snow_flake_side(turtle, length, level):
    """Draw a side of the snowflake curve with side length length and recursion
    depth of level"""

The snow_flake_side function should have a base case that draws the following image:

The recursive step should replace each of the line segments above with a snow_flake_side with size length / 3.0 and recursion depth level - 1. Take some time to work on this and then we’ll discuss as a group.

Once you have completed your snow_flake_side function, create a function called snow_flake that draws the whole snowflake.

Recursive Trees

Next, we will draw a tree using recursion. Define a function called recursive_tree that takes as input a turtle, a branch length, and a recursion depth and draws the recursive tree to the canvas.

def recursive_tree(turtle, branch_length, level):
    """Draw a tree with branch length branch_length and recursion depth of level

The base case is:

This structure is given by moving forward branch_length steps (assuming the turtle has the correct orientation).

For the recursive step, you should:

  1. Draw the line as above
  2. Clone your turtle
  3. Turn the new turtle left 30 degrees
  4. Recurse using the cloned turtle to draw a tree with branch length branch_length * 0.6 and depth `level - 1
  5. Hide the cloned turtle using the hideturtle method
  6. Back the original turtle up branch_length / 3.0
  7. Clone your turtle
  8. Turn the new turtle right 40 degrees
  9. Recurse using the cloned turtle to draw a tree with branch length branch_length x 0.64 and depth level - 1
  10. Hide the cloned turtle using the hideturtle method

After implementing the recursive step, if you set level to 1 more than the base case (which will either be 1 or 2 depending on what level you consider the base case), you will get the following picture:

Once you’ve built your recursive_tree function, try making a few enhancements:

  • Make the base case change the pen color for the turtle to green (this will simulate the appearance of leaves if you do a high enough depth)
  • Add some randomness to the degree of left turn, right turn, and scaling so that you get more naturalistic looking trees
  • Add more than two branches

More Recursion

The Koch snowflake and our recursive tree are both part of a more general class of curves called L-systems (Lindenmayer Systems). Next, read the linked Wikipedia article on L-systems and try to implement Sierpinski’s triangle and fractal plant.

Hint 1: For Sierpinski’s triangle you will want to create a function to generate both symbols A and B and have them call each other.

Hint 2: For the fractal plant you should create the following functions to save and then restore then Turtle’s state (symbols [ and ] respectively):

def save_turtle_state(turtle_states, t):
    turtle_states.append((t.x, t.y, t.heading))

def restore_turtle_state(turtle_states, t):
    s = turtle_states.pop()
    t.x = s[0]
    t.y = s[1]
    t.heading = s[2]

Loading new DNA

To load the new DNA contigs for our in-class activity:

>>> from load import load_contigs
>>> contigs = load_contigs()

The variable contigs will be a list of contigs where each is encoded as a two-item tuple. The first element of the tuple is the name of the contig, and the second element of the tuple is the DNA sequence.

To access the elements of e.g. the 5th contig, you could unpack the tuple into separate variables:

>>> name = contigs[5][0]
>>> dna_sequence = contigs[5][1]
>>> print(name)

Once we’ve loaded the raw DNA sequence, we still have some cleanup to do. In addition to the expected nucleotides (A, C, T, and G), the sequence includes some additional markers (K, M, S, R, W, V, and Y). These come from reading errors generated by the DNA sequencing machine. You should write a function to post-process the raw DNA sequence by replacing the additional markers with a normal nucleotide. Quick check: why not just delete the markers?

You may also want to shorten the length of your DNA sequence so that your gene finder program can run faster.

If you are finding that the output of your program is longer than the amount of text that can fit in the terminal, you can redirect the output to a file.

$ python > output.txt