
This page lists web sites, PDF documents, Jupyter notebooks, and Python packages that have been mentioned during the course.

It’s not an attempt to list everything related to each of those topics; just to collect those resources that have already been mentioned into one place.


Stack Overflow is a community of programmers, and a knowledge base of programming questions and answers. You can search it directly from its site; it also shows up in Google search results.

Linux (Ubuntu)


See Git Help on this site.


Python Style Guides

Python Libraries

This section lists libraries that are somewhat general-purpose: they’re introduced in a particular assignment or project toolbox, but could be useful in other projects too.

Also see Awesome-Python, a curated list of Python libraries.

Data Processing and Scientific Computing

Graphics and Interactivity

HTML and the Web

  • Flask web applications (software that runs on a server and serves HTML pages to browsers)
  • Beautiful Soup parses HTML pages
  • Requests retrieves HTML pages

Text Editors