Day 5


  • Demonstration of submitting your work and getting feedback via GitHub
  • Lists and loops

For Next Time

  • Reading journal, Think Python chapter 4

Submitting Gene Finder

Submitting your Gene Finder mini project is a two step process:

  1. Complete the work and push it to your GitHub repository
  2. Submit a pull request to the upstream sd17spring repository that you originally forked from

Pull requests are typically used to contribute code to someone else’s project in the open source world. They let you send changes you’ve made, which the original author can then choose to pull in and accept. We actually like our assignment without solutions thank you very much, so we won’t be accepting your pull requests. Instead, we use them as:

  1. Your way to tell us when you’re done and we should look at your assignment, and
  2. A mechanism for us to provide written feedback on your code