Day 4


  • Reading journal debrief
  • Sharing lessons learned on unit testing
  • String formatting
  • Open studio time

For Next Time

String Formatting

Now that you’ve been playing with strings for a while, there are a few additional tricks that may help you deal with them. You already know several ways to manipulate strings:

  • Concatenation +
  • Multiplication *
  • Slicing []
  • String methods (e.g. split, upper)
>>> excited = "Software " + "Design" + "!"*10
>>> print(excited)
Software Design!!!!!!!!!!
>>> bored = excited.rstrip("!")
>>> print(bored)
Software Design
>>> print(bored[-6:])
>>> print(bored.split())
['Software', 'Design']

Python also has several other built-in facilities for formatting strings. Among other things, this makes it much easier to create things like your square root table!

There are two main ways to format strings in Python, and you’re likely to see both in code you read.

The older method uses a format string and the percent character (same as the modulo operator) to replace pieces of the format string. For example, to insert an integer, you could use:

>>> print("Your number is %d" % 52)
Your number is 52

The newer method also uses a (similar) format string, but uses an explicit format method:

>>> print("Your number is {:d}".format(52))
Your number is 52

In my opinion, the newer method can have a bit more complex syntax, but is often clearer and can be far more powerful.

The documentation for each can be a bit dense, but fortunately there is a great cheat sheet with useful tasks at

Exercise: cheap is $33, free is $34 !

You walk into a store where each item is priced according to the letters in its name: ‘a’ costs $1, ‘b’ is $2, and so on. Write a program that prints a receipt for this wacky store:

bananas $52
rice $35
paprika $72
potato chips $78

Total $237

What helper functions would be useful in creating this receipt program?

Hint: the built-in ord and chr functions may be useful. If you use these, pay attention to how case affects the result.