Architectural Review


During the course of the final project, your team will complete an Architectural Peer Review. This review will focus on high-level design decisions, and will give your team opportunity to present ideas of how the architecture of the code will be.

What it is

  • Two-way conversation between your team and the other people at your review
  • Forward-looking and focused around a design decision that you are in the process of making
  • Opportunity to get constructive feedback and outside perspectives on challenges you are currently facing

What it isn’t

  • Highly polished final presentation of your work (that comes later)
  • One-way presentation

For more tips and guidelines, check out the information on SCOPE Technical Reviews given to students at the beginning of the year.

Before the Architectural Review

The core of the architectural review is a constructive discussion between the presenting team and the audience. In order to get the most out of this conversation, you must prepare a Preparation and Framing document ahead of time.

You should identify concrete things that you want to get from your audience and make sure you structure your review to elicit the information that you are looking for. Your technical review should always start with a discussion of what you hope to get out of it.

There are many potential structures you can use for a review, and you should feel free to choose whichever structure makes the most sense for your team and where you are in the project. Some examples:

  • Collaborative ideation: get some post-its and Sharpies and do an ideation activity with the other teams (note: if you need supplies for your technical review, it is your responsibility to let us know in advance so that we can help you get what you need.)
  • Technical discussion: bring some particularly difficult technical problem to the technical review (e.g. choosing the right algorithm to solve some problem). Discuss potential solutions and pros and cons. Ask the other teams which solution sounds best and if there are other potential solutions that you should consider.
  • Prototype feedback: have the other teams use a prototype of your software (make sure to bring a few laptops with the software ready to go) and give you feedback on your interface and features.
  • Software architecture discussion: discuss some aspect of your software architecture (e.g. how you are structuring the various classes that make up your program). Present a particularly difficult aspect of your software architecture, and ask the other teams if they have any advice/feedback.
  • Combination of the above, or something else entirely

Your Preparation and Framing document should have (at least) the following sections:

  1. Background and context What information about your project does the audience need to participate fully in the technical review? You should share enough to make sure your audience understands the questions you are asking, but without going into unnecessary detail.
  2. Key questions What do you want to learn from the review? What are the most important decisions your team is currently contemplating? Where might an outside perspective be most helpful? As you select key questions to ask during the review, bear in mind both the time limitations and background of your audience.
  3. Agenda for technical review session Be specific about how you plan to use your allotted time. What strategies will you use to communicate with your audience?

It is often useful to provide some background material to your audience before the review so they’re not coming into the discussion “cold”. You may assign the peer teams in your group a reasonable amount of “homework” (~10-20 minutes of reading) by emailing them at least 24 hours before your technical review.

The Preparation and Framing document must be posted as Markdown to your team GitHub repository before the review takes place. You should also post any additional materials (e.g. slides, handouts) that you use during the technical review.

Day of the Architectural Review

Teams are organized into groups of three or four (see groupings below). These groups will stay together for both technical reviews, and the other teams in your group may be a valuable resource for sharing information as you work on the project.

The day of the review will be divided into 25-minute blocks, with teams taking turns as presenting team and audience. Both roles are equally important and you are expected to contribute fully to each.

Being a good presenter

  • Make sure you have a clear agenda. Anything you present should be focused around getting valuable feedback, or else informing some discussion that you hope to have. Do present appropriate context. Don’t present unnecessary detail.
  • Make sure it is realistic for your audience to give you the type of feedback you are looking for. For instance, if you ask your audience to help you pick the right machine learning algorithm for your project, you should be relatively confident that your audience has the relevant background knowledge to help you with this issue. Avoid asking about things that require intimate knowledge of your codebase (unless you can give appropriate context).
  • Make sure to allow adequate time to receive feedback from your audience. Be explicit about when you would like to receive feedback (either at the end or during your presentation).
  • Have one member of your team take notes during the technical review.
  • Be open-minded to feedback from your audience.
  • Thank your audience.

Being a good audience member

  • Focus your feedback on what the presenters ask for (i.e. if they want feedback on their software architecture, don’t tell them you don’t like the feature set they are implementing).
  • Be respectful and constructive in your feedback.
  • Don’t be playing on your laptop or phone during the technical review. Focus all attention on the presenters.

After the Architectural Review

The best advice in the world is useless if you don’t do anything with it! After the technical review, you must prepare a Reflection and Synthesis document summarizing what you learned. This document must be posted as Markdown to your team GitHub repository before the next class after the review.

Your Reflection and Synthesis document should have (at least) the following sections:

  1. Feedback and decisions Based upon your notes from the technical review, synthesize the feedback you received addressing your key questions. How do you plan to incorporate it going forward? What new questions did you generate?

  2. Review process reflection How did the review go? Did you get answers to your key questions? Did you provide too much/too little context for your audience? Did you stick closely to your planned agenda, or did you discover new things during the discussion that made you change your plans? What could you do next time to have an even more effective technical review?

Grading rubric

The architectural review is worth 15% of your total grade.

Before: Preparation and Framing

Your team must post a Preparation and Framing document as Markdown to your team GitHub repository before the review takes place.

  • Document is well organized including all required sections
  • Provided background gives sufficient context for audience to engage with questions effectively
  • Key questions are selected appropriately for the audience and time limitations
  • Clear agenda and plan for the review session are included
  • [Optional] Appropriate amount of useful pre-reading provided to peer teams 24 hours before review


  • As above, but perhaps 1-2 of the prompts are not adequately addressed
  • Key questions may be either obvious or too vague
  • Writing may be less clear, and some key concepts or terms may not be adequately explained
50% A significant component of the document is missing
25% The document is very unclear and missing multiple key elements
0% You didn’t turn in anything, or you clearly didn’t put any effort into creating the document

During: At the technical review session

You must attend your scheduled technical review session and contribute both as part of the presenting team and as an audience member. If you will be absent on the day of the technical review, you must contact the teaching team beforehand.

Presenting team

  • Set a clear agenda for the review and share it with the audience
  • Provide an appropriate level of context without going into unnecessary detail
  • Effectively guide the conversation and solicit contributions from the audience
  • Take notes on the discussion


  • Ineffective conversation, due to failure to provide adequate context or poor engagement with audience
  • One-way presentation rather than dialog
  • Failure to take notes and record audience contributions
  • Minimal effort or unexcused absence

Audience member

  • Practice active, engaged listening
  • Contribute thoughtful questions and comments directed at the presenting group’s identified key questions
  • Come prepared with background reading (if applicable)


  • Divided attention (laptop use other than research or note-taking)
  • Derailing or severely off-topic questions or comments
  • Minimal effort or unexcused absence

After: Reflection and Synthesis

Your team must post a Reflection and Synthesis document as Markdown to your team GitHub repository before the next class after the review.

  • Document is well organized including all required sections
  • Audience feedback is synthesized into a coherent story centered around your key questions
  • Includes concrete plan for moving forward incorporating lessons learned from the technical review
  • Reflection on review process is thoughtful and contains actionable lessons for next time


  • As above, but perhaps one of the prompts is not adequately addressed
  • Audience feedback may be listed, but not processed or synthesized
  • Writing may be less clear, and some key concepts or terms may not be adequately explained
50% A significant component of the document is missing
25% The document is very unclear and missing multiple key elements
0% You didn’t turn in anything, or you clearly didn’t put any effort into creating the document

Team groupings and schedule


Will be posted 1 week prior to presentations on the course page.